As often as you can, preferably 5 times per week, for at least the first two to three months. Such training pace gives the body maximum benefits. Your target should be regularity of practice, whether it is 2-, 3-, or 4 times a week. The more effort you’ll put into practice, the greater the benefits will be on your body and mind.
After the first training session, try to come back the next day. The first exercise will awaken your body and each workout will be much easier than the first. When the postures become familiar, you will be more relaxed with practice. For this reason, your goal should be to come to at least 2 to 3 classes in the first week. The more you practice in the first 7 days, the better you will feel physical, mental and spiritual benefits. Later on, if time allows you, it is best to get a workout 4x to 5x per week, for at least the first month or two. Such training pace gives the body maximum benefits. Depending on your options and your goals, most important is the regularity of practice, whether it be a 1x, 2x, 3x or 4x a week.